A recent Daily Word was Free and the meditation included this affirmative sentence:
Freedom comes from within,
I have the power to create a sense of freedom in my life.
One of my favorite Unity teachings (others teach it as well) is that we have all the answers within.
My mantra for much of 2015 has been I choose peace. Then I realized that the above could be a fill-in-the-blank affirmation. Replace "freedom" with "peace" ... or "love," "gratitude," "abundance" or almost anything, and in every case the affirmation is amazing and true.
Pick one of the 12 powers to fill in the blank: understanding (for July), will (for August), order (for September) and these work too.
I am not a good memorizer. I hear other people say their favorite prayers and affirmations so easily and I just can't seem to do it.
After I wrote those two sentences I realized that my internal message makes me sound like a victim. I am not a victim in any way, shape or form! My internal message needs to change: I can memorize and I am going to memorize this affirmation. And so now I affirm: I can and will memorize this affirmation because it has so much meaning to me.
What a great example of using the power of understanding in my life.