Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Inner Peace

Yesterday's Daily Word was Inner Peace. How timely!

Yesterday afternoon I called my mom who lives in Illinois to chat. The first thing she told me was that she had some excitement in her life that morning: she discovered that some of her jewelry was missing - the "good" stuff. A diamond ring from one of my grandmothers, a couple pairs of earrings she had bought in memory of my dad after he passed, among other things.

So her morning was spent talking to the building and grounds manager of the Retirement Community where she lives in a town house. She also had police to her place to make a report.

We talked about how someone got in and who it might be. All of that conversation was purely speculation since there was no evidence of a break-in - the police looked for fingerprints and didn't find any. We didn't spend much time on that. I've learned from Byron Katie (do you really know that's true?) that speculation is fruitless and accusing anyone is unfair.

My concern was if the locks needed to be changed? Does the community management have a good policy on protecting the resident's keys from being taken and duplicated? It's a bit frustrating to live so far away when something like this happens.

Toward the end of our conversation, however, I told her about the day's Daily Word and we ended up laughing about the timeliness of that word. Here are some excerpts from the meditation:
Being at peace means I have the resources to handle whatever arises in my life. 
I am peaceful and free.
I'm happy to report that, as I write, she is fine this morning and having coffee with my sister. All of us are in good (God's) hands. I choose peace and I am so grateful for the resources I have learned from Unity teachings.


Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blown Away

Yesterday I almost couldn't swallow - my throat was closed. Why? From fear.

The latest thing for baby Stanley is that his parents had to take him back to the hospital for a feeding tube because he still isn't gaining weight. My mind began having fearful conversations about whether our family's latest baby will ever get better. I know that thinking like this is counterproductive.

So what counteracts fear? Love, of course. But my fear had blown away my ability to think clearly. I turned to my great co-worker Rebecca yesterday, Do you have any words for me about this? She thought for a bit and then said two words to me: Golden Key.

Yes! I love Emmet Fox's Golden Key ... and I find it so helpful for my peace of mind. So I stopped dwelling on the situation of Stanley's health and began to concentrate on God (Love). And any time my mind went back to fear, I re-concentrated on God. I can now swallow again.

My fear did give me one insight: I figured out that I want to visit Stanley and his parents (my nephew and niece-in-law), who live in Brooklyn, sooner rather than later. I want to hold him in my arms and kiss his sweet face and be strong for him and his parents, to see him whole and complete exactly as he is. I think I can go next week on Wednesday ...

By the way, I want to refer everyone here to Unity's new website There is a great article about how Unity folks pray.

Thank you for your prayers for Stanley. (P.S. I wish for everyone a great friend who can help you re-group when your ability to think clearly has blown away.)


Thursday, April 7, 2016


Today's Daily Word is Healing. The affirmation is:
Divine life renews every cell of my body.
And one line from the meditation says: I envision divine life renewing every cell of every person.

In particular I see my grand-nephew as complete and whole - divine life is renewing every cell of his little not-yet-two-months-old body.

Our family is celebrating Stanley's coming through successful surgery on his little body plus, after that, having two successful surgeries to remove cataracts from each of his eyes. This photo brings joy to my heart. It is my sister with her first grandchild and he looks as joyful at her as she is looking at him. Thank you, God.