Thursday, September 25, 2014

Fairytale Ending

I’m just thinking out loud here.   I’m not sure I can adequately put this into words.  Today is Day 209, and my year-long experiment is taking an unexpected turn.  As you may or may not know, on March 1st of this year I began a year-long experiment in working with the Law of Mind Action.  During the past six months, I have read books, listened to CD’s, developed and practiced affirmations, written lists of goals and desires, and just generally worked on learning and practicing the principles associated with the Law of Mind Action, which says that thoughts held in mind reproduce after their kind.

My main motivation for beginning this experiment was to take a closer look at my own thoughts and behaviors in an attempt to uncover and remove any blocks or barriers that might be getting in the way of my experiencing life as fully and abundantly as possible.  Certainly I’ve uncovered my fair share of limiting thoughts and beliefs over the past several months, but I never expected to come to the point where I currently find myself.   
At the beginning of this experiment, I was expecting to discover the key to unlock the magic and effortless flow of God’s abundance into my life.  I believed that if I just brought my thoughts and feelings into alignment, the rest would take care of itself.  My bills would be paid.  My life would be easy.  My dreams would come true.  You get the gist.  

But what I’m finding is that just thinking and feeling right seems to be only half the battle.  Thinking and feeling right doesn’t have a huge impact if I’m sitting around and waiting for things to happen.  As much as I’d like to believe it can, thinking and feeling right doesn’t pay the bills, and it doesn’t bring me any closer to realizing my dreams.  God doesn’t seem to be waiting for me to get my thoughts and feelings into alignment so he can finally leave a new car/vacation/wardrobe (insert dream here) on my doorstep.

The biggest, most helpful thing I’ve learned about myself so far during this experiment is that I spend an inordinate amount of time sitting around waiting for things to happen in my life.  I spend countless hours/days/weeks/months hoping that God will step in and things will finally work out.  I believe the reason I worry so much is that I’m always waiting and wondering how God will show up and take charge of making things better or, if I’m really lucky, making my dreams come true.  What I’m realizing is that God isn’t ever going to show up and take charge of my life.  God isn’t ever going to step in and make things okay or make my dreams come true.  God’s only job is to BE – to be love, wisdom, creativity, kindness, light, beauty, expansiveness.  My job is to know these qualities in myself and to take DECISIVE ACTION.  It’s MY job to stay connected to the truth of who I am while taking concrete, positive steps in the direction of my dreams.  

As much as this realization feels like a sort of disappointing end to the magical era of rainbows and unicorns and wishful thinking, it also feels amazingly liberating.  It feels like taking off a pair of cement shoes that I’ve been wearing for as long as I can remember.  Thank you to the many teachers who take a more practical approach to prosperity consciousness.  Thank you to those who emphasize the development of good, solid skills and success strategies, in addition to cultivating an awareness of God’s presence.

If I learn nothing else during the remainder of this year-long experiment, it will have been worth it just to have had this realization.  I’m going to keep doing my affirmations, and making my lists, and working on aligning my thoughts and feelings, and practicing all of the principles I know to be true.  But now, I’m also going to add DECISIVE ACTION to the mix.  Thank you, God, for not stepping in and taking charge of making things better in my life.  This has been my biggest lesson in empowerment so far in all my years on the planet.  I am so grateful for the opportunity to take this amazing journey. 


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