"When we stand at the end of one life experience ... we remember that every ending also has a beginning. We may be tempted to keep looking back, but once we turn our eyes to the path ahead, we find new opportunities awaiting us." From "Endings," the
Daily Word for October 31st.
My 12th year of marriage ended and my 13th year of marriage began on October 12. I drew an "angel card" for the year ahead and received: Beauty.
My 63rd year on earth ended and my 64th year began on earth began on November 6. I drew an "angel card" for the year ahead and received: Birth.
Every year in late December and early January I spend time journaling about the year that is ending and set some resolutions and intentions for the year that is beginning. I love spending that time reflecting and visioning. Often I'm sitting in my big overstuffed easy chair with a fire burning brightly in our wood-burning stove. That's when I will draw an angel card for the year 2015 and I hope to participate in the 2015 White Stone meditation on Sunday, January 11, introduced to us (well, me at least) by Rev T.
I'm so grateful for all the ways I receive guidance - I have faith that they are all the voice of God coming to me in various forms.
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This Daily Word speaks to me so positively because it doesn't just focus on the past, the endings of my life, it points me ahead to the beginnings, to the anticipation of my "unfolding journey." I look forward to the promise of how Beauty and Birth play out in the months ahead. I am interested to find out what my third angel card and the White Stone meditation message will be.
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Along with our sunflowers, I planted a bunch of nasturtium seeds last spring. The flowers were so beautiful and full for several months in the summer and fall (above left); then, after a couple of below freezing nights, their run ended (right). Just like the 187 bulbs my husband and I planted this fall that promise daffodils in the spring, we can look forward to planting new flowers at the beginning of next summer.
Wishing you interesting endings and promising beginnings.