This condition needs to be found and corrected before the baby is three months old or it might irreparably damage his liver. I don't fully understand the disorder; I just know that if I don't pay attention, I could fall into fear and panic. Instead I turn within - knowing my only resource is God and my spiritual practices.
The first thing I did when I found out last week that Stanley had a problem was to email my niece-in-law our Prayer for Protection. Fear and panic - yes, that was very possible for me and for my whole family. We all had to wait for the test results over the weekend - ugh! The condition was confirmed on Monday and surgery scheduled for Tuesday morning.
This is a perfect situation to Golden Key. Which brings me to the Daily Word for Tuesday which was "Divinely Focused." Part of the meditation reads:
In my daily prayers, I always give thanks to God for blessing and healing and guiding my loved ones. I envision each and every one enfolded in Gods' loving embrace, knowing and affirming for them that they are perfect expressions of God's light and life. As I affirm and pray, I remain divinely focused, allowing God's love to move in me and through me to bless others.
I let go of outside distractions and center my thoughts on God... I am calm and at peace and open to God's loving presence. In this presence I know the peace that surpasses all understanding.I found this so helpful that morning. It is not unusual that the Daily Word is exactly what I need and want to hear that day.
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