Thursday, March 29, 2018

Getting a Better Focus

My daily practice is to read the Daily Word which I subscribe to, and is available online by Googling "What is today's Daily Word?" Some words and concepts connect better than others to my current life situation. I like to share the special connections in this space because I feel like I am writing to my dearest like-minded friends.
Patience Affirmations and Meditation: I have the time I need for all that I do. and I am patient, knowing all things in my life are working together for good.
These are some fellow
hawk watchers in Tubac, AZ,
focusing in on
the Common Black Hawk
and the Zone Tail Hawk,
neither of which is
seen in New Jersey.
"Our role is simply to know the Truth, align with it, and to give the situation over to God. We can then enjoy the peaceful state of mind that follows. As we rest in grateful expectancy, we begin to see the signs that life is unfolding more miraculously than we ever dreamed."
Divine Order Meditation: "When I look at an image through a camera or binoculars, I may need to turn the lens to get a better focus. This is also true of my life. When I think of the experiences I face, solutions or outcomes may not immediately be clear to me, and I may feel lost or unsure. But when a simple adjustment changes my focus ... I have a better understanding of what I may need to do and an assurance that all is well." 
From Proverbs 4:25: Let your eyes look directly forward,and your gaze be straight before you.
Direction Meditation: "There are times when I feel at a crossroads, unsure of where I should go next ... I turn to my divine inner compass. Centering my thoughts and focusing my attention inward, I seek clarity and a feeling of rightness that comes with divine direction. Possibilities unfold before me and I stand steadfast in my belief that I am divinely guided." 
From Psalm 5:8: Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness ... make your way straight before me.
I imagine that we often share the same challenges so I like to highlight a particular passage from the Bible or one of the Affirmations or Meditations that helped me see something differently and more clearly. This week the above passages reached my heart.



Friday, March 23, 2018

God's Song

From time to time Unity Worldwide issues free booklets to subscribers of Daily Word. The most recent one they offered is called "I Am God's Song. The Inspired Wisdom of James Dillet Freeman."

I've always been impressed with what little I know about James Dillet Freeman, probably especially because he wrote the Prayer for Protection that we close each service with here at Unity Spiritual Center. What I didn't know was that he is the only poet laureate that the Unity movement has ever had. Two of his poems were taken to the moon: the Prayer for Protection and I Am There.

So when the booklet was announced I sent for it immediately. I was rewarded with the very first poem. It is so beautiful and it is such a beautiful way for me to see myself (and you) that I felt I needed to share it with my Unity friends. Here it is. Enjoy!

I Am God's Song

Perhaps I am most like a song.
What is a song?
A song is a thought in the imagination of its composer, an unheard music of the mind.
A song is words and notes set down on a sheet of music paper.
A song is a sweet undulation of sounds for a little time in a certain place.
And a song is also the singer singing, a mind and body expressing themselves.
I am the song and the sound and the singer.
You will hear me again and again in different keys, in different voices, whistled and chanted and hummed, sometimes only a few bars, sometimes sung over and over. The singer may sing imperfectly, yet I am always the same perfect song, imagined music in the mind of my Composer, written down in the Eternal's music book, flawless and complete.
I am God's song.
Listen for me.
You are God's song.

James Dillet Freeman


Thursday, March 1, 2018

My Purpose

I tore a page out of my Daily Word a couple weeks ago. It was the DW for Saturday, February 17: Purpose.

Over the years I have often wondered what my purpose is. Why am I here at this time and in this place? What should I be doing? Because what I am doing doesn't seem all that purposeful or momentous. When I hear the question "What is my purpose?" I think that my purpose should be BIG, MOMENTOUS. Maybe some of you can identify ...

The meditation for this DW started out with the questions I've been asking. But then ... it took a different path - it reminded me that
I am a unique creation of God. There is no one who looks, thinks and acts exactly like me. My uniqueness is my contribution. I have much to offer the world and much to give. I do this by expressing my opinions and values and sharing my voice and creativity in positive ways. I am here to be me.
And I have finally heard a definition of my purpose that I can accept and act on. I'm so grateful. I don't have to save the world, write the next bestseller, invent a cure for any disease. I can just be me - I can be - allowing God to act through me. I can do that. In fact, I commit to doing and being that person in the world.

Thank you, God.

Amen (And so it is.)