Friday, March 23, 2018

God's Song

From time to time Unity Worldwide issues free booklets to subscribers of Daily Word. The most recent one they offered is called "I Am God's Song. The Inspired Wisdom of James Dillet Freeman."

I've always been impressed with what little I know about James Dillet Freeman, probably especially because he wrote the Prayer for Protection that we close each service with here at Unity Spiritual Center. What I didn't know was that he is the only poet laureate that the Unity movement has ever had. Two of his poems were taken to the moon: the Prayer for Protection and I Am There.

So when the booklet was announced I sent for it immediately. I was rewarded with the very first poem. It is so beautiful and it is such a beautiful way for me to see myself (and you) that I felt I needed to share it with my Unity friends. Here it is. Enjoy!

I Am God's Song

Perhaps I am most like a song.
What is a song?
A song is a thought in the imagination of its composer, an unheard music of the mind.
A song is words and notes set down on a sheet of music paper.
A song is a sweet undulation of sounds for a little time in a certain place.
And a song is also the singer singing, a mind and body expressing themselves.
I am the song and the sound and the singer.
You will hear me again and again in different keys, in different voices, whistled and chanted and hummed, sometimes only a few bars, sometimes sung over and over. The singer may sing imperfectly, yet I am always the same perfect song, imagined music in the mind of my Composer, written down in the Eternal's music book, flawless and complete.
I am God's song.
Listen for me.
You are God's song.

James Dillet Freeman


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