Thursday, July 25, 2019

Spiritual Principles - A Reminder

These are two of the best spiritual practices that I want to keep in mind every day.

Friday's Daily Word: Let Go, Let God. I am inspired by the words of Meister Eckhart, a 14th-century German monk and philosopher, who said, "Let God be God in you." I know I am never separate from the Infinite, but when I consciously "let God be God" in me, I begin to think and act from my divine nature. I see with eyes of love and compassion. I see good in myself, my affairs and the world. Letting go frees me to express my divine nature.


Saturday's Daily Word: Divine Order. I allow events to unfold naturally. Aligning with the order inherent in all things, I affirm: I gratefully recognize the order and harmony of the universe.

I regret to say that too often I stress over life because I forget these two very important principles:
1. I don't have to solve problems, I can turn them over to God and 2. Everything in my life unfolds in divine order. Maybe you're like me and need these same reminders.

With love,


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