A gardener doesn't simply wish a beautiful garden into existence. She clears the land and tills the soil and takes into consideration which plants will thrive in her particular location. She ensures that they have plenty of water and plenty of sunshine (or shade), and she takes steps to control pests that may be detrimental to her project. Each day or each week, she gets down on her hands and knees and pulls the weeds that would otherwise rob her plants of water, sunlight, and nutrients. No amount of visualization or positive thinking will keep her garden beautiful without the help of good, solid gardening practices.
If a person wishes to improve his health and fitness, it isn't enough to tack up a photo of the perfect physique on his bedroom mirror and affirm that his body should transform to match the image. To be truly healthy and fit, he needs to eat right and exercise, get plenty of sleep, drink plenty of water, manage his stress, etc. There's no way around it. To be healthy, he must not only maintain the vision of a healthy physique. He must also be willing to adopt healthy habits.
The same is true when it comes to prosperity and financial health. In New Thought, it's easy to get lost in the magical thinking that says, "if I just say enough prayers, if I just repeat my affirmations 100 times a day, if I just keep my vision board up-to-date, if I'm just cheerful and peppy all the time, God will send me all of my heart's desires." It's true that being clear about what I desire is an important part of the prosperity process. But being clear about what I desire is only half of the equation. Staying focused on my desires is how I ask God for what I want. ACTION is how I receive it. Just like in gardening and in health and fitness, there are actions I must take in conjunction with my prayers and affirmations to ensure financial health. Like - at the very least, I must spend less than I earn.
Motivational speaker Tony Robbins offers the following steps to creating lasting change:
- Have a vision.
- Make sure you have a strong reason that's going to be compelling enough to keep you motivated.
- Review it and feel it every day.
- Raise your standards - change your definition of what's normal or acceptable for you.
- Establish new rituals (daily/weekly/monthly action steps) to back up your standards.
At this point in my experiment, I'm feeling pretty solid on the thinking aspect of my practice, but I'm aware that I have a lot to learn with regard to mechanics, especially as they relate to financial health. So I'm thankful for all of the good resources out there that can help point me in the right direction. And I'm thankful that God is my co-pilot. I don't have to navigate this territory alone.
What changes are you wishing to make in your life in the upcoming year? Do you have a clear vision of what you desire? Can you imagine what it will feel like to have it? What daily/weekly/monthly rituals can you create to support your vision? What are the mechanics that are essential your success? Unity's fifth principle is the principle of action. For me, the fifth principle will be front and center in 2015. How about for you? Are you ready for action?
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