Thursday, February 5, 2015

Doing or Being Faith

Yesterday I realized that I had dropped the ball on a project for this year's Friends of the Hunterdon County Library Annual Book Sale coming up in May. Why? Because this year's sale has lots of challenges - in fact it won't be like any year before - no familiar routines, no models to fall back on, no blueprint to help guide the committee.

I started to worry and pace the floor of my bedroom. "This is going to be a disaster." "We won't get everything done in time for the sale." Panic - that was what I was feeling.

Then I stopped pacing. "Wait a minute!" I reminded myself: "This is so unproductive. I know that the book sale will go fine, one way or another. I know that all will be well."

One reason I was able to remind myself of these more affirming messages is because of  a statement by Sharon Salzberg in her book entitled Faith. (Rebecca, my 12 Powers study partner, found this book at the Hunterdon County Library.) Salzberg writes that faith is a verb. Faith is something we do, not something that we have. At first I didn't get the difference. If I have faith then all will go well at the book sale. Then I realized that as I was affirming that all would be well at the book sale, I was doing or being faith. And it felt great.

Two recent Daily Words also gave me good advice this week. The Daily Word for Tuesday was Comfort. The meditation begins: "In good times and difficult times, I open myself to the comforting love of Spirit. I relax into this Presence and let it soothe my emotions and bring peace to my mind."

When I was being faith I felt calm and was able to put aside my concerns, sit down in front of our wood-burning stove as the fire was blazing away and pick up a book to read. Again I don't know if I can convey to you just how GREAT that felt.

Wednesday's Daily Word - Present Moment - reinforced my feelings. The meditation begins: "I may catch myself regretting the past or worrying about the future. Yet I know such preoccupation is not helpful to me. In truth, the present moment is all there is, so I choose to live fully in the now."

Even though it's February now, I will finish the book on Faith, January's power (or ability) before I move on to February's power - Strength. Being a study partner with Rebecca is a pleasure.


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