"Even Mystics" is subtitled "Balancing a Spiritual Life and Earthly Living." The gist of the book for me is when I know that God is my Source and a consciousness (or awareness) of God is my supply I am taken care of. The book was written by Rev. Jim Rosemergy and consists of twelve chapters in three Sections plus Section Four is A Forty-Day Guide to Prosperous Living. I first finished the book and then on June 1st I began making my way through the Forty-Day Guide, not getting hung-up on proceeding literally over 40 days.
Today I'm writing about Day 29 in the Forty-Day Guide. It is titled: Today I bless my bills and their payment. Rosemergy writes:
"When we are rich in Spirit, we pay our bills with joy. When we are poor, if we pay our bills, we often do so begrudgingly. The power company has supplied us with electricity for a month, allowing us to live in relative comfort and to do things associated with modern living, but we resent having to pay the bill. We have so many current needs, and what about tomorrow? We reluctantly mail the payment but wish we can use the money for another purpose. This attitude and behavior are signs of a consciousness of lack, a belief in a limited supply and fear of tomorrow.
Many people have begun to pay their bills in a different way. In the lower left-hand corner of their checks where "For" is imprinted or on the bills they return with payment, they write, "Blessings" or "Thank you, God." They have received a service, so they give thanks. This does three things. It acknowledges God as the Source, expresses joy rather than resentment when paying bills, and establishes a giving state of mind. These are chief ingredients in the heart of a prosperous person."Yesterday was bill paying day for me. Actually I had two bills and one membership to pay. The instructions in the lesson were for me to "write a simple blessing that expresses an attitude of thankfulness. Hold each bill or invoice or payment between your hands. Hold your hands prayerfully and speak aloud the blessing you have written. Do this whenever you pay a bill until thankfulness is a natural part of your way of being."
I wrote: Thank you, God within, for this organization and for the ability to easily and comfortably pay this bill or membership or gift. I am so blessed and I am so grateful.
I had never looked at my credit card bill or any of my bills in quite this way. I realized I am very grateful for the vet who takes care of my doggies, for the grocery stores where I buy the food and other supplies for my home, and for the service station that supplies the gasoline for my car so I can drive to my appointments, to visit friends, to attend meetings and many other things. These are just a few of the companies I appreciate that show up on my credit card bill.
I choose to be rich in Spirit and I pay my bills with joy. Thank you, God within.
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