I was feeling peaceful and full of love last Saturday – in a good mood – when I read that day’s Daily
Word entry. The word for June 7, 2014:
The affirmation:
moments of contemplation restore my soul.
An excerpt: “As I read Daily Word, I enter into a time of
contemplation….This sacred time is like a peaceful valley nestled between rugged
mountain peaks… For these few moments, I set aside the demands of the day.”
The Bible quote was from the 23rd Psalm, verses
2-3: “He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.”
One of my friends is going through a difficult time right
now. I took a picture of the page and emailed it to
her – telling her I was thinking of her. The image of being in a peaceful valley between mountains of troubles seemed to fit.
That felt good - then later that same day I was the target
of someone’s bad mood – a yelling, impatient bad mood. I listened and tried to
remain calm. I tried to tell myself “this isn’t about me” (wonderful Unity
teaching). I “got out of Dodge” so to speak. When a second episode occurred, once again I listened and tried to remain calm. But
I was upset. My peaceful mood was gone.
I’m reading Pema Chodron’s book Taking the Leap. I just
finished Chapter 6 which is about pausing, meditation and being with the
feelings I experience. Lean into the feelings, acknowledge what I feel no
matter how uncomfortable. If I learn to do that, more and more, the feelings
will lose their power over me. Funny how many times I get to practice my spiritual principles.
On that Saturday I breathed deeply and started to ask myself some questions: Is this about me? Did I do something to invite this behavior? What in this must I pay attention to? Did I have to
be yelled at to really hear? Why-ever would I put up with this from a friend or stranger? I felt hurt and resentment and separate and even helpless.
I wanted instant peace; that didn't happen. I did have a moment of clarity about bad moods. They happen to everyone - yep, even me.
I wanted instant peace; that didn't happen. I did have a moment of clarity about bad moods. They happen to everyone - yep, even me.
In retrospect, it seems like my soul was slow to restore. But no - I think I experienced exactly what was supposed to happen and it took exactly as long as necessary for me to feel peaceful again. Only while writing this did I realize I hadn't done the forgiveness work I needed to do - directed inward and outward. And I forgot totally to ask Holy Spirit for help.
Thinking back to the daily word, it’s easier said than done to restore peace after bad moods and during difficult times. I wonder what my friend thinks. We'll have a great conversation about this.
And maybe some of our Stepping Stones Journal readers have some thoughts on this too...
Thinking back to the daily word, it’s easier said than done to restore peace after bad moods and during difficult times. I wonder what my friend thinks. We'll have a great conversation about this.
And maybe some of our Stepping Stones Journal readers have some thoughts on this too...
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