Friday, September 25, 2015


My all-time favorite season has arrived - on September 23 at 4:21 a.m. to be precise.

The Daily Word for that day was Autumn. Part of the meditation reads: "The trees undergo a major transformation every year with what appears to be little effort. In a similar way, I accept the cycles of my life." Also "My day includes periods of work, play and relaxation."
And God said, "Let there be lights in the dome of the sky to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years." Genesis 1:14

Here is the first evidence
of autumn in the trees at Unity.
What a beautiful beginning.

Balancing work, play and relaxation is my intention every day. So today, Friday, September 25 I have been working at Unity for about three hours - preparing for the Gary and Cindy Lora-Renard Seminar, answering emails and a couple of other things.

When I get home shortly, I will kick off my shoes, open all the windows in my bedroom, sit down on my big old easy chair and read my current novel. I may also dip into The Universe is Calling. Our class met last night - we have a few chapters to read before next Thursday evening's class. At around 4 I will walk our doggies - a treat for me as well as them. And when I get back, my husband and I may just sit on our deck, watch the birds at our bird feeders and have a glass of wine. This may be among my perfect days.

I hope the same for you - today and every day.