Monday, February 15, 2016

Joy & Gratitude - Inseparable

The Advent Season this last winter 2015-16 was especially rich in messages for me.

Here’s one:

Joy and gratitude are inseparable. Seems like an easy concept, an easy message to get. Here’s part of the meditation from the Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 20, 2015) from the booklet Unity produces:
When I’m going through a hard time, I remember that joy awaits me on the other side. Joy is the essence of Spirit energy in me. It may be subdued at times, but it is always there….As I open my heart to God (within), joy bursts out, and gratitude flows in.
I know this to be true because I felt such sadness missing my dad this last holiday season – and yet I decorated one of my favorite Christmas trees ever this year – in a blue, silver, gold and white theme. And I spent several evenings just sitting quietly in our darkened living room petting one of my dogs and thinking of my dad – sadness there but also joy and gratitude that I had as many years as I did with him.

P.S. I chose this image because I'm grateful I get to go to Florida for a couple weeks, to spend some time with my sisters and a good friend, all of whom live a plane ride away from New Jersey. A walk on the beach every day? Sounds good to me.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016


In some of the classic Unity texts, like Lessons in Truth by Emilie Cady and The Revealing Word by Charles Fillmore for example, there are references to a spiritual process called chemicalization.  In Rev. Paul Hasselbeck’s book Heart-Centered Metaphysics: A Deeper Look at Unity Teachings, chemicalization is defined as “the experience of inner conflict and upheaval that occurs when aspects of our consciousness resist the transformation process.   This happens when a high spiritual realization conflicts with a belief that is contrary to the new realization.”  

I have been experiencing my own version of chemicalization lately.  If you have read my blog posts in the past, you know that I recently set out to test the Law of Mind Action.  But while trying to prove to myself that the Law of Mind Action worked in a particular way, I actually discovered that it doesn’t work at all in the way I thought.  In fact, everything I had learned over the past fifteen years about abundance consciousness was completely turned upside down by my experiment.  The result of this upheaval has been a lingering sense of disenchantment, disappointment and general inner turmoil, as well as diminishing enthusiasm about Unity principles and about spirituality in general.  In fact, I have been so undone by what I discovered during that experiment that I have actually considered abandoning Unity altogether.   Unity teachings didn’t seem to fit with my new belief system.  

Thank goodness I made a commitment months ago to complete the Metaphysics I, Part I, course with Rev. Rachel Sue Ritz for S.E.E. credit through Unity Institute.  So even though I haven’t been feeling very warm and fuzzy about Unity teachings lately, not wanting to renege (read as “fail”) on that commitment, I recently forced myself to read through the assigned chapters again and to complete the requirement homework assignments.  As I read, an amazing thing happened.  I discovered that the new realizations I have been struggling to assimilate into my consciousness – and which have been causing such inner conflict for me, are actually perfectly expressed throughout the Unity teachings.  I don’t know how I missed them before.  In fact, everything I read nowadays from Unity is in perfect alignment with my new way of thinking.  How could I have gleaned something so different from the Unity teachings in the past?  It’s remarkable how a shift in the mind can create such a huge shift in perception.   

Before I set out to test the Law of Mind Action, I believed that if I minded my thoughts and practiced my affirmations and developed crystal clarity about what I wanted, God would give me all of my heart’s desires.  And I thought that the reason I still wasn’t getting what I wanted, after all these years of practicing, was that I just hadn’t perfected my affirmation process yet.  What I discovered through my experiment was that if I mind my thoughts and practice my affirmations and develop crystal clarity about what I want, I can tap into a flow of divine ideas which empowers ME to achieve my goals.  God isn’t in the business of giving me what I want.  God is in the business of BEING – of being love and oneness and creativity and beauty. . .  It is MY job to cultivate an awareness of my oneness with Spirit and to take action in the direction of my dreams.  On the one hand, I have been extremely disappointed to learn that God is not ever going to step in and take care of my affairs for me.  I guess I have been waiting for a white knight to rescue me.  On the other hand, it is tremendously empowering to know that I have everything I need inside me to accomplish whatever I set out to accomplish.  

I didn’t realize how deeply this experience was affecting me until I started reading about chemicalization.  I thought that my feelings of inner conflict and turmoil were an indication that there was something wrong with me or with my belief system.  I am thankful to have a word for what I am going through.  I’m also thankful to know that, at least for now, the Unity teachings are still a solid source of spiritual nourishment for me.