Monday, February 15, 2016

Joy & Gratitude - Inseparable

The Advent Season this last winter 2015-16 was especially rich in messages for me.

Here’s one:

Joy and gratitude are inseparable. Seems like an easy concept, an easy message to get. Here’s part of the meditation from the Fourth Sunday of Advent (December 20, 2015) from the booklet Unity produces:
When I’m going through a hard time, I remember that joy awaits me on the other side. Joy is the essence of Spirit energy in me. It may be subdued at times, but it is always there….As I open my heart to God (within), joy bursts out, and gratitude flows in.
I know this to be true because I felt such sadness missing my dad this last holiday season – and yet I decorated one of my favorite Christmas trees ever this year – in a blue, silver, gold and white theme. And I spent several evenings just sitting quietly in our darkened living room petting one of my dogs and thinking of my dad – sadness there but also joy and gratitude that I had as many years as I did with him.

P.S. I chose this image because I'm grateful I get to go to Florida for a couple weeks, to spend some time with my sisters and a good friend, all of whom live a plane ride away from New Jersey. A walk on the beach every day? Sounds good to me.


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