Thursday, July 25, 2019

Spiritual Principles - A Reminder

These are two of the best spiritual practices that I want to keep in mind every day.

Friday's Daily Word: Let Go, Let God. I am inspired by the words of Meister Eckhart, a 14th-century German monk and philosopher, who said, "Let God be God in you." I know I am never separate from the Infinite, but when I consciously "let God be God" in me, I begin to think and act from my divine nature. I see with eyes of love and compassion. I see good in myself, my affairs and the world. Letting go frees me to express my divine nature.


Saturday's Daily Word: Divine Order. I allow events to unfold naturally. Aligning with the order inherent in all things, I affirm: I gratefully recognize the order and harmony of the universe.

I regret to say that too often I stress over life because I forget these two very important principles:
1. I don't have to solve problems, I can turn them over to God and 2. Everything in my life unfolds in divine order. Maybe you're like me and need these same reminders.

With love,


Thursday, July 11, 2019

Setting Intentions

Yesterday's Daily Word was Intention. It was timely since we just finished an outline of Edwene Gaines' book The Four Spiritual Laws of Prosperity in which she discusses setting goals (among other things). Here is part of the meditation:
Just as I set clear intentions for my outer life, I need intentions for my inner life. I focus on these spiritual intentions during prayer and meditation, knowing they will change and grow through the years. Yet one intention doesn't change: to be a light of God expressing.
It's sometimes easier for me to set outer life intentions than inner life intentions. Here are three I just wrote:

  1. Work on the Photobook for my family
  2. Make my office a welcoming space to write in. As you can see from the accompanying photo, I have an affirmation in my office but need to make it true. I have successfully avoided my office for several months now.
  3. Set aside time every day to pray and meditate.

There will surely be more over time but I wanted to get started.

Happy setting of intentions, all. With love,