Thursday, October 4, 2018

September Wisdom

Hi all, Here are some thoughts and wisdom from a couple Daily Word entries for September. First is the affirmation for September 10 when the DW was Wisdom:
Divine wisdom guides my daily choices.
Thank you, God life within, for that. Then along comes September 20 when the DW is Confidence. I'm including the entire meditation here:
I may have forgotten how it felt to master walking as a toddler or how many times I had to pick myself up and start over again. As adults, we can gain inspiration by observing the progress, determination and confidence of a child.
These seeds of resilience are still with me, waiting to be activated through belief and faith in my divine essence within. What is it that I would like to accomplish, what dream, what skills, what travels, what overcoming? I pray for guidance and direction. I listen.
I begin with one trusting step forward. Then another. My faith is strong, no matter how many times I need to redirect or start over. God life within is my strength. I live in confidence and trust in my higher self. 
Do not, therefore, abandon that confidence of yours; it brings a great reward. - Hebrews 10:35
I have this resilience in me and it is going to launch me into things I want to accomplish. Again, thank you, God life within, for that.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Present Moment Attitude of Gratitude

My life is filled with sublime experiences...
even the everyday occurrences...
That is from the Daily Word for August 23: Present Moment.

The present moment for me lately has been:

  • the moment I walk out of my house and see the flowers in our pots
  • the moment I return home and am greeted with those same flowers in our pots
  • the moment each morning when I see the beautiful blue morning glories
  • the moment at Unity when I accomplish a new skill in the Constant Contact applications
    (thanks to Rebecca's training)
  • the moment when I look across the living room and see my two doggies asleep on their pillows

Like most of us, I can list a lot of things I am grateful for. However, I also understand this concept:
Each of us has absolute dominion over our own thoughts and feelings. You can teach yourself to feel gratitude no matter what circumstance you find yourself in. You can choose gratitude. You don't have to feel grateful for anything. Just be grateful.
That is from Unity's Gratitude and Grace booklet I was referring to last week. There is a three-step process outlined in the essay "Grateful for Nothing" that shows us how to become grateful for nothing.
  • First, list in your journal whatever you're grateful for.
  • Second, notice how gratitude feels in your mind and body as you journal. Do this for several days.
  • Third, invest some time generating the feeling of gratitude without the need for a reason. This gratitude is unconditional gratitude. It is not subject to outer things, events or people.
This "is a useful tool whenever you feel yourself sliding into undesirable states of unconsciousness such as fear, anger and guilt."
So in addition to the moments I list above, I am choosing to adopt an attitude of gratitude all the time. Like when I was driving to a doctor's appointment last week and got caught up in traffic, I had the opportunity to be grateful - not for something - but just to be grateful. When the summer heat gets to me, I take the opportunity to feel grateful - not for something - but just to be grateful.

This is how I want to show up in the world.


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Gratitude Walk

Gratitude and Grace is the most recent booklet I received from Unity. Even if I'm not sure I resonate with the booklets that Unity offers, I always send away for them.

This booklet arrived at about the time I was grousing a lot about the heat and humidity and everything else in my life - If you've read much by me you know that summer is my fourth favorite season.

Slouching around in my house, in the air conditioning and fans, it dawned on me that I needed an attitude adjustment. I turned to Gratitude and Grace and began to read. I read it cover to cover. There's quite a lot in the booklet but during this read through I was especially struck by the article almost at the end called "The Many Ways to Practice Gratitude." I was especially taken with the paragraph that read:
"Taking gratitude walks on the beach or in a park with my prayer partner expands my consciousness and elevates my spirit to new heights, in ever-expanding love. We take turns speaking out loud what we are grateful for without much thought - just playful, joyous gratitude."
Although I don't have a prayer partner, I am re-energized by nature and having someone to share this idea with would be great. The name of a friend came to mind. I photocopied those two pages and when I saw her next I showed her the pages and especially the paragraph that had grabbed me. I said "Just think about it." A day or two later, I had a text from her. "Let's do it." And so we did this last week. I can't describe how special it was walking along a river path with her, chatting about gratitude and about a lot of other things in our lives. We walked 40 minutes, felt great, and decided we'd like to do this again in a month or so.

Give the Gratitude Walk a try.


P.S. Be sure to get on the Unity mailing list so you too can get all their booklets.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Doing What is Mine to Do Today

Yesterday's Daily Word was Energized. The affirmation was: I am energized by the power of zeal within me.

I know Zeal is one of our 12 powers. I find myself somewhat uncomfortable with zeal. I see zeal and think zealous and zealot which have some negative connotations. So I "Googled" their definitions.

Zeal is "great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective, often extreme or fanatical in nature." A zealot is "a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of their religious, political or other ideals. One who tries to make other people have them too." There are more positive synonyms like fervent, ardent and committed which don't bother me so much.

When I read the affirmation yesterday, my first reaction was nope, not for me today. We in New Jersey are experiencing extremely hot and humid days (90+ for both) - it's been four or maybe five days in a row. I feel like a limp rag all the time unless I'm at home sitting in front of our window air conditioner. Ahhhh! Cool!

Then I remembered the quote from Charles Fillmore:  
“I fairly sizzle with zeal and enthusiasm and spring forth with a mighty faith to do the things that ought to be done by me!”
Almost immediately, I re-thought my reaction. This is one of my powers and I need to exercise it at least as well as I can today. I had several errands to do - I could have put them off but zeal got under my skin and off I went. Post office, shoe repairman, library, groceries. When I got home, I was hot and sticky ... but I had a bunch of items to cross off my to-do list. That felt great!

If you are like me, you may be struggling with productivity during these hot days. Here is some of the meditation from yesterday:
"Zeal is an awesome power! As I attune myself to this divine power, I discover new energy to do whatever is mine to do, whether I am completing a project or caring for my family or myself."
I wish you the energy to what is yours to do while staying safe in the heat and humidity of the summer.


Thursday, June 14, 2018

In the Midst of Change or Chaos

Life has presented me with an assortment of challenges over the last few weeks. With an upcoming surgical procedure (out patient) and the wider world issues coming to me from over the airwaves, I have needed to draw on these lessons from Unity's Daily Word.

*  Creativity: From what I will eat to planning what I want to accomplish each day, I embrace it all as an exercise in using the power of my imagination to consciously create my life. (May 26, 2018 Daily Word)

*  Quest: The difference between a challenge and an adventure is in our attitude and perspective about it. Someone may suggest, "You are lost." My reply is, "I am just exploring." I confidently answer Spirit's call to be more fully the love that I am and to express more of the infinite power of love within me. From Micah 4:2: Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord ... that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths. (June 1, 2018 DW)

*  Direction: My life is a journey, and although I may not know what lies ahead, I know my way is illumined by my inner light. Whenever I need clarity on the path I choose, I turn to my divine light within and let it shine in and through me. If I'm not sure of a next step, I spend time in quiet reflection and listen to divine wisdom. (June 11, 2018 DW)

*  Change: Every aspect of my life is aligned with divine order. Just as day follows night, my life unfolds in divine order. Even in the midst of change or chaos, I can trust that there is an underlying force for good. Any challenge in my life is transformed into an opportunity. I take the next right steps in my life with clarity and ease. From Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (June 12, 2018 DW)

Calling these challenges adventures doesn't really work for me. Calling these challenges opportunities does work for me. At any given moment I have to opportunity to know that I create my life, that I will answer Spirit's call to express the infinite power of love from within me, that my future is illumined by my inner light, and that my life unfolds in divine order.

When I doubt, when I struggle with fear, which I have in these recent weeks, I call myself back as quickly as possible to the Spirit principles I've highlighted here.

With love and encouragement to us all,


Thursday, May 3, 2018

What a Month - of Gratitude and Friendship

I knew April was going to be a challenging month for me. The first weekend in April was Gary Renard and Cindy Lora-Renard's ACIM Immersion Weekend retreat. A lot of preparations were handled much earlier not only by me but also by Rebecca and Carmela, like booking a block of hotel rooms at the Holiday Inn Clinton, booking their plane tickets, preparing a flyer/registration form, taking registrations over the phone and generating and replying to a lot of email inquiries. How nice and gentle the ACIM students are.

The weekend went very well. We had over 60 attendees, decent weather and a nice net income for Unity programs.

Three days later the lease started for the Friends of the Hunterdon County Library Used Book Sale at the Fairgrounds at the South County Park. This year was the third year I served as co-chair. For this event also there was much preparation in advance of the actual event not only by me but by my co-chair and over 150
active, capable volunteers.

The book sale weekend was April 27-29, the last weekend of April. I was at the South County Park for long hours on that Friday, Saturday and Sunday, counting money, answering volunteer and customers questions and serving as time keeper for closing each afternoon.

The weekend went very well. We had several thousand sales transactions by happy customers carrying loads of books to their 100s of cars in the parking lot each day, typical spring weather of rain and sun and wind, and a nice gross income for the Friends group which will give most of it to the Hunterdon County Library System.

I took Monday off and then was back at the South County Park one last day for clean-up on Tuesday. The Daily Word for that day was "Gratitude." Here is some of the meditation:
When I look at my surroundings, I see the manifestation of the divine spark everywhere - in everything and everyone. God's spirit is part of who I am as well. I have the joy and gratitude of knowing that I am eternally part of something greater. I am a spiritual being.
On Wednesday (yesterday) the Daily Word was "Friendship." Part of the meditation is:
I have a family, linked by genetics, whom I love. I also have another family - the family of friends that fill my life with beauty and joy. I cherish this chosen family as much as the one I grew up with. My friends are the family I choose.
Looking back on both events I feel such gratitude to have been part of each of them. My Unity friendships and the Friends of the Library friendships are all family that I have chosen. And now, in truth, I'm also grateful that they are over and I can catch up on rest.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

Getting a Better Focus

My daily practice is to read the Daily Word which I subscribe to, and is available online by Googling "What is today's Daily Word?" Some words and concepts connect better than others to my current life situation. I like to share the special connections in this space because I feel like I am writing to my dearest like-minded friends.
Patience Affirmations and Meditation: I have the time I need for all that I do. and I am patient, knowing all things in my life are working together for good.
These are some fellow
hawk watchers in Tubac, AZ,
focusing in on
the Common Black Hawk
and the Zone Tail Hawk,
neither of which is
seen in New Jersey.
"Our role is simply to know the Truth, align with it, and to give the situation over to God. We can then enjoy the peaceful state of mind that follows. As we rest in grateful expectancy, we begin to see the signs that life is unfolding more miraculously than we ever dreamed."
Divine Order Meditation: "When I look at an image through a camera or binoculars, I may need to turn the lens to get a better focus. This is also true of my life. When I think of the experiences I face, solutions or outcomes may not immediately be clear to me, and I may feel lost or unsure. But when a simple adjustment changes my focus ... I have a better understanding of what I may need to do and an assurance that all is well." 
From Proverbs 4:25: Let your eyes look directly forward,and your gaze be straight before you.
Direction Meditation: "There are times when I feel at a crossroads, unsure of where I should go next ... I turn to my divine inner compass. Centering my thoughts and focusing my attention inward, I seek clarity and a feeling of rightness that comes with divine direction. Possibilities unfold before me and I stand steadfast in my belief that I am divinely guided." 
From Psalm 5:8: Lead me, O Lord, in your righteousness ... make your way straight before me.
I imagine that we often share the same challenges so I like to highlight a particular passage from the Bible or one of the Affirmations or Meditations that helped me see something differently and more clearly. This week the above passages reached my heart.



Friday, March 23, 2018

God's Song

From time to time Unity Worldwide issues free booklets to subscribers of Daily Word. The most recent one they offered is called "I Am God's Song. The Inspired Wisdom of James Dillet Freeman."

I've always been impressed with what little I know about James Dillet Freeman, probably especially because he wrote the Prayer for Protection that we close each service with here at Unity Spiritual Center. What I didn't know was that he is the only poet laureate that the Unity movement has ever had. Two of his poems were taken to the moon: the Prayer for Protection and I Am There.

So when the booklet was announced I sent for it immediately. I was rewarded with the very first poem. It is so beautiful and it is such a beautiful way for me to see myself (and you) that I felt I needed to share it with my Unity friends. Here it is. Enjoy!

I Am God's Song

Perhaps I am most like a song.
What is a song?
A song is a thought in the imagination of its composer, an unheard music of the mind.
A song is words and notes set down on a sheet of music paper.
A song is a sweet undulation of sounds for a little time in a certain place.
And a song is also the singer singing, a mind and body expressing themselves.
I am the song and the sound and the singer.
You will hear me again and again in different keys, in different voices, whistled and chanted and hummed, sometimes only a few bars, sometimes sung over and over. The singer may sing imperfectly, yet I am always the same perfect song, imagined music in the mind of my Composer, written down in the Eternal's music book, flawless and complete.
I am God's song.
Listen for me.
You are God's song.

James Dillet Freeman


Thursday, March 1, 2018

My Purpose

I tore a page out of my Daily Word a couple weeks ago. It was the DW for Saturday, February 17: Purpose.

Over the years I have often wondered what my purpose is. Why am I here at this time and in this place? What should I be doing? Because what I am doing doesn't seem all that purposeful or momentous. When I hear the question "What is my purpose?" I think that my purpose should be BIG, MOMENTOUS. Maybe some of you can identify ...

The meditation for this DW started out with the questions I've been asking. But then ... it took a different path - it reminded me that
I am a unique creation of God. There is no one who looks, thinks and acts exactly like me. My uniqueness is my contribution. I have much to offer the world and much to give. I do this by expressing my opinions and values and sharing my voice and creativity in positive ways. I am here to be me.
And I have finally heard a definition of my purpose that I can accept and act on. I'm so grateful. I don't have to save the world, write the next bestseller, invent a cure for any disease. I can just be me - I can be - allowing God to act through me. I can do that. In fact, I commit to doing and being that person in the world.

Thank you, God.

Amen (And so it is.)


Thursday, February 8, 2018


One of my favorite things has become hibernating for several weeks before Christmas through January. Not that I don't do anything during those weeks. I spend "journal time" looking back over the last year and setting some intentions for the year ahead. I enjoy reading, walking my dogs, spending time with my husband watching soccer on television. (I also didn't post on this blog during that time.)

Now it's February and I'm preparing to visit my mom in Illinois - my first of four visits this year. I'll be at Unity on Sunday and then leave next Tuesday.

Before I travel, I wanted to share a few favorite thoughts from recent Daily Words.

On Sunday, the DW was Let Go, Let God. I loved the sentence:
..."let Go, let God" describes an active choice that is always mine to make.
This was followed by Tuesday's DW: Be. Similar to Sunday's, I love this concept:
Perhaps I have gotten off track ... I can choose again right now.
And finally yesterday's DW was Home. I love this:
... home is the awareness that wherever I am, God is.
Unity and its publications are so great at giving me concepts for living day to day. For that I am eternally grateful (today's DW).