Thursday, March 1, 2018

My Purpose

I tore a page out of my Daily Word a couple weeks ago. It was the DW for Saturday, February 17: Purpose.

Over the years I have often wondered what my purpose is. Why am I here at this time and in this place? What should I be doing? Because what I am doing doesn't seem all that purposeful or momentous. When I hear the question "What is my purpose?" I think that my purpose should be BIG, MOMENTOUS. Maybe some of you can identify ...

The meditation for this DW started out with the questions I've been asking. But then ... it took a different path - it reminded me that
I am a unique creation of God. There is no one who looks, thinks and acts exactly like me. My uniqueness is my contribution. I have much to offer the world and much to give. I do this by expressing my opinions and values and sharing my voice and creativity in positive ways. I am here to be me.
And I have finally heard a definition of my purpose that I can accept and act on. I'm so grateful. I don't have to save the world, write the next bestseller, invent a cure for any disease. I can just be me - I can be - allowing God to act through me. I can do that. In fact, I commit to doing and being that person in the world.

Thank you, God.

Amen (And so it is.)


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