Thursday, August 31, 2017

Something New

Today's Daily Word is
I love the concept of being willing. It works for me to be willing to forgive and love, to be open and receptive to forgiving and loving someone in my life when I'm not completely ready to say Yes I can. Yes I'm willing is a great first step.

In today's meditation, the affirmation is:
A willingness to try new things brings freshness to my life.
The challenge within the meditation is
Today I purposely choose to do something new.

I find myself scoffing when I run into a challenge like that. It's unlikely that I will have the opportunity to do something new that day because my day is likely to go along in its usual way. (For me having a day go along in its usual way is a good thing.) Sometimes driving home a different way is given as an example. Meaningless to me. See I'm still scoffing.

As I often do, I took the meditation challenge literally. Then I gave the idea some more thought and realized that's not the intention of the meditation. I can take the challenge like this: If I run into an opportunity tomorrow or the next day to do something new, I will choose to be willing to step into that opportunity.

I get it. When I get the chance I will step into something new - no fear, no doubt, just openness and excitement at the opportunity. Just willingness to try something new and enjoy the freshness it brings to my life.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

My Pathway Within

Last time I wrote about all the beauty where I live.

Then I read the Daily Word for Monday, August 21, which was Inner Peace. Part of the meditation reads:
There are sounds and images that instill a sense of harmony in my heart. A babbling stream, a breeze rustling the leaves of trees, the crackling of a fire, or the soft shimmering light of a candle bring comfort.
I would add to that list looking at my flower gardens and walking my dogs. The meditation continues:
These outer phenomena calm my mind and spirit and help me get in touch with internal peace. Whenever I need serenity and quietude, I call upon one of these sensory experiences to move me into the realization of who I am. I spend quiet time in the secret place of the Most High, reflecting and listening.
No wonder I love where I live so much. Not only is it physically beautiful. It also provides a pathway for me to go within - to listen to my inner guide and know that, no matter what, all is well.


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Handling Summer

Readers may know that I struggle with the summer heat every year and, unfortunately, too often not successfully. Some days when it's very hot and I've been active - walking the dogs, pulling weeds, etc. I sometimes feel that no matter what I do - stand in front of the air conditioner and drink an ice cold drink, my body will never cool off again. That is a very unpleasant feeling.

Blue Morning Glory
This summer I've been happy to experience cooler (mostly) summer temperatures. That has allowed me to notice and appreciate the beauty around me at home without mixing in grousing about the heat. Here are some of the dahlias, morning glories, cosmos, sunflowers, and animals in my life at home.
Sunflowers and Dahlias and Bumblebees

Callie and Big G (gray) our female and male feral cats who come every morning for breakfast.

I hope you have some similar sweetness and beauty to appreciate where you live.