Thursday, February 8, 2018


One of my favorite things has become hibernating for several weeks before Christmas through January. Not that I don't do anything during those weeks. I spend "journal time" looking back over the last year and setting some intentions for the year ahead. I enjoy reading, walking my dogs, spending time with my husband watching soccer on television. (I also didn't post on this blog during that time.)

Now it's February and I'm preparing to visit my mom in Illinois - my first of four visits this year. I'll be at Unity on Sunday and then leave next Tuesday.

Before I travel, I wanted to share a few favorite thoughts from recent Daily Words.

On Sunday, the DW was Let Go, Let God. I loved the sentence:
..."let Go, let God" describes an active choice that is always mine to make.
This was followed by Tuesday's DW: Be. Similar to Sunday's, I love this concept:
Perhaps I have gotten off track ... I can choose again right now.
And finally yesterday's DW was Home. I love this:
... home is the awareness that wherever I am, God is.
Unity and its publications are so great at giving me concepts for living day to day. For that I am eternally grateful (today's DW).