Tuesday, June 20, 2017



Do you know about Silent Unity?

Silent Unity, the worldwide prayer ministry of the Unity movement, has been praying with people seeking spiritual support for 125 years. It is a 24/7 prayer ministry—which responds to prayer requests via telephone, postal mail, online, or via the UPray mobile app—and it serves people of all faiths from all parts of the world. 

Silent Unity prays affirmatively, believing that God is everywhere present and active in and through all lives, and serves with sensitivity, compassion, and confidentiality. From the moment a prayer request is received, the sender is lovingly enfolded in prayer. After a response has been provided, the prayer request is placed in the Silent Unity Prayer Vigil Chapel (at Unity Village in Missouri), where prayer is continuous, for 30 days. 

In the sacred space of the Prayer Vigil Chapel, all prayer requests are enfolded in prayer. Here someone is praying 24 hours a day—praying as a kindred spirit, in a consciousness of oneness with God.

The ever-shining light at the top of the Chapel is a reminder that you are never alone—not even in your darkest hour. Silent Unity is as close to you as a prayer. It is the light that shines for you!

The Silent Unity prayer ministry is supported primarily by freewill offerings.  Every prayer request is held sacred and confidential and receives the same loving attention, regardless of donation or ability to donate. No matter how you contact Silent Unity, you will first receive personalized prayer and then a letter of support.

To contact Silent Unity, click here for contact information.


Are you familiar with Unity's five-step prayer process?  Prayer is a means by which to commune with God.  This Five-Step Prayer Process is designed to help enrich your experience and your awareness of the Divine Presence.

1.     RELAXATION – Take a moment to relax your body.  Get comfortable in your chair.  Rest your hands gently in your lap.  Bring your attention to your breath.  As you breathe in and breathe out, imagine a warm, white light streaming in through the top of your head and gradually filling your being down to the tips of your toes, as all tension and stress leave your body.   Breathe in light, breathe out tension.  Breathe in peace, breathe out stress. 

2.     CONCENTRATION– As you continue to breathe slowly and deeply, let all thoughts melt away and turn your attention to God.  You might like to use a mantra to help you stay focused.  For example: “Breathing in, GOD IS.  Breathing out, I AM. “   In Unity, we use prayer as a way of becoming more aware of God’s presence in our lives.  In prayer, we let go of our wants and needs and seek only to expand our consciousness of God.

3.     MEDITATION – In the silence, become aware of the feeling of God’s presence.  Let that Holy presence envelop you and support you.  Imagine that you are breathing in and breathing out in synchronicity with the breath of God.   Attune yourself to that Divine energy.  Rest in this sacred space for a while.

4.     REALIZATION – In the stillness of your soul, know with certainty that you are One with God.  Allow this realization to permeate your being.

5.    THANKSGIVING – Give thanks for the awareness that you are One with God, that God is all-knowing, all-loving, ever-present and fully active both in you and as you.  With gratitude, affirm "Amen."


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