Monday, September 8, 2014


It’s Day 192 of my year-long experiment with practicing the Law of Mind Action, and I’ve been feeling discouraged.  The summer is FINALLY over, and my kids are back to school, but instead of feeling renewed and re-energized, I’m feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.  This morning I woke up after a great night’s sleep and immediately began to feel anxious for no particular reason.  I realized in that moment that I have gotten away from my daily practice over the last few weeks.  In the chaos that surrounds the start of a new school year, I’ve gotten off-track.

I don’t know about you, but for me getting off-track now and then seems to be a part of my journey.  Whether I am attempting to establish an exercise routine or a meditation practice or a new family tradition, I find that after a while I start to veer off-course and lose sight of my goal.  Thankfully, I’ve learned through years of experience that I don’t need to stay stuck in being stuck!  I just need to guide myself gently back to the path. 

So here I am – on Day 192 – going into “review mode.”  I have these blog posts to remind me of all the things I’ve learned over the past six months.  I’ve also gotten into the habit of taking notes on various spiritual books and programs using one of my favorite apps – Evernote.  So I have plenty of avenues for going back and refreshing my memory about the different ways I’ve learned to practice the Law of Mind Action.
First and foremost, I am making a commitment to get back to my daily meditation practice.  My goal is to be in the silence for thirty minutes in the morning and thirty minutes in the evening each day.  I will also need to get back to taking some time each day to practice my affirmations, read over my goal list, and review my notes.  These are the concepts I am practicing:

  • Be a person of increase – leave each interaction having made it better than when I entered.
  • Focus all action in the present moment.
  • Commit to creating the life I want, not the life I think I can have.
  • Use my power of will to stay focused on the truth despite outer appearances
  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude
  • Regarding my dreams, ask, “If I believed this was going to happen, what would I do today?”
  • Practice non-judgment.
  • Practice holding onto my desires lightly – not being attached to outcomes.
  • Make a commitment to feel good.
  • Behave as if I’m coming from my vision, not going to it.
  • When I notice I’m feeling uneasy, shift into the role of my observer self.

Getting off track isn’t the end of the world.  Staying off track is the problem.  Thanks to Unity and a myriad of other wise teachers, I have enough tools in my spiritual toolbox to navigate this little bump in the road and get back to my job of becoming fully who I came here to be.


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