Monday, January 4, 2016

Stop Prioritizing "Easy"

I have discovered a new source of inspiration recently – have you ever heard of an author and motivational speaker named Brendon Burchard?  There have been numerous references to Mr. Burchard’s work on Facebook recently, and if you know anything about me from my previous blog posts, you know that I am always looking for fresh, new sources of both spiritual and practical inspiration.  Otherwise, it’s too easy for me to lose sight of what’s GREAT about life! This guy has both spiritual and practical tips to offer in spades, and so I’m taking some time to learn from him as I consider my next steps on the path toward becoming fully who I’ve come here to be.

A lot of what Mr. Burchard has to say is very much in alignment with what Unity teaches – the importance of gratitude, the power of your thoughts to create your reality, the benefits of meditation for centering and gathering spiritual strength.   When I hear somebody speaking my language like that - the language of Unity - I generally find myself eager to hear more of what he or she has to say on the topic of spirituality.  But for me, right now, the most helpful lessons I’m learning from watching Brendon Burchard’s videos and completing the exercises he has developed are the practical lessons – the lessons about moving out of thinking-and-wishing mode and into action.   

One of the most powerful things I’ve heard so far in my exploration is the Mr. Burchard's idea of “stop prioritizing easy."   Prioritizing “easy” is when you look at your To-Do list on any given day and your eyes are automatically drawn to those simple, little tasks which are ultimately meaningless, but which let you accomplish something quickly and accumulate a bunch of check marks on your list.  I’m famous for prioritizing “easy.” For example, many times I find myself wandering aimlessly around the house tidying up because it gives me a sense of accomplishment, even though it does nothing to move me forward in the direction of my dreams.  When you’re not sure what to do, do the dishes or the laundry.  That’s my M.O.   And that’s not all bad – after all the dishes and the laundry have to be done.   But when entire days are devoted to housekeeping tasks when I have much bigger dreams on my list, that’s something for me to take a look at – that’s me prioritizing “easy.”

According to Mr. Burchard, the tell-tale sign that you are prioritizing “easy” is when your days are chock-full of busywork but largely devoid of your life’s work.  He offers a great tool for planning your day that puts your biggest priorities at the top and helps stop the cycle of getting caught up in busy work rather than making progress on your life’s work.

Rather than try to explain further, I think I’ll just hook you up directly with some of his great videos.  Check out the links below, and let me know what you think.  If you like what you see, search "Brendon Burchard" on YouTube, and you can view more of his many helpful videos.


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