Thursday, February 2, 2017

Power of the Year

On a recent Sunday we showed the movie: The Sound of Unity: The Twelve Powers. Each of us was encouraged to wear the color of our chosen power. Ever since I read the meditation on Imagination in the Advent booklet, Imagination has been the power I intend to concentrate on in 2017. So on that Sunday I wore the sweater pictured here. Only after I put it on did I realize that the sleeves deepened the meaning of the 12 powers in my life for 2017.

The blue in the sweater could be Imagination and Faith - I'm open to that. The light green in the sleeves is Strength; the gray (silver) is Will; the purple is Power; and the brown is Release. I'm open to all of those too.

From the Advent booklet:
"Imagination: Today I pause to imagine the life I AM led to live for myself, and for the world. I know this vision is mine to achieve. I blend my Imagination with Faith and Love, and I express the Power to create new possibilities."
"Strength: I AM One with infinite Strength. I express that strength with love and compassion as I move through a day of creative opportunities."
"Will: I AM One with the Will that achieves its purpose through me. Free of all reluctance and resistance, I joyfully undertake the work that is mine to do."
"Release: I AM always in the flow of infinite spiritual energy. All that I need today flows to me now. All that no longer serves my spiritual purpose flows easily away."

All of these meditations guide me and encourage me to do what is mine to day each day - to make each day count and, ultimately, to make this year an amazing, growing experience.

Coincidentally - whoops, there are no coincidences - Unity's 2017 Theme is "Unleash Your Divine Potential."

I hope the same for all of us.


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